Steps to get the Attention you deserve

Sometimes, it is tough to get noticed. Whatever you do, is not enough to make you look and feel fabulous, there are chances that others won't notice you. Do you...

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Habits that can make your Relationship Bloom

As I toss the empty heart-shaped box in the dustbin, I don't want my partner to know that I love her even when these chocolates are not there. For many,...

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Things Worth Learning From Men's Underwear (For Women)

Have you ever tried to understand men and their psyche? Well, men are quite unique in terms of their nature, personality and choices. However, there are some things which are...

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5 Items you should start using After 30

If you are in your late 20's, you should be the one reading this till the end. Why? Probably because you're coming aboard to an age that needs a little...

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How to Increase Fertility in Men?

Fertility has always been a point of concern for families who have been looking forward to having a baby in their family. You would also know that some couples go...

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Style taboos to keep away

We all have faced and heard of the weirdest of taboos while growing up. Have you? With all the spooky, weird and indigestible taboos that went around us, some stayed...

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Clothing Articles to be worn Now

You might not feel the summer heat getting over, but in reality, the days have gone shorter and the nights are colder. Hence, this calls for the festive season where...

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How to keep your man happy?

You must have heard that pleasing a lady is an extremely difficult task. However, being a guy I would not say that it is an extremely easy to do. If...

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